
Low thyroid or hypothyroidism is much more common than is generally recognized, and appears to be more prevalent than in the past.  This may be due to unnatural forms of iodine (iodine is necessary for thyroid hormone formation) from agricultural or other sources entering our bodies and disrupting normal thyroid hormone production.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

The symptoms of hypothyroidism start very gradually but often become serious and persistent.  Common signs and symptoms are:

  • Difficulty getting up in the morning
  • Hard to keep going in the afternoon, especially around 3-4 pm
  • Lack of enthusiasm to do things
  • Light sleeping
  • Poor memory (can’t think of the word or remember the conversation)
  • Dry hair or hair loss, dry skin, unhealthy nails (all more common in women)
  • Feeling cold (more pronounced in women)
  • Heavy menstrual periods
  • Unexpected weight gain
  • High cholesterol (especially when the HDL, LDL and total cholesterol are all elevated)
  • High blood pressure (more commonly in people over 50)

In summary, feeling “old, dumb and slow.”

Hypothyroidism is effectively treated with a knowledge of:

  1. How to interpret the thyroid blood tests physiologically.
  2. The importance of supporting both T3 and T4 (the standard approach has been to only give levothyroxine or T4).
  3. How important it is to use the correct brands of thyroid hormone replacement.

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