
What is Candida?

“Candida” is an overgrowth of fungi or yeasts in the body. It affects adults and children and is the root cause of many common medical conditions including:

Do I Have Candida

Have you ever (especially in childhood) done any of the following repeatedly:

  • Taken antibiotics?
  • Swam in chlorinated pools?
  • Consumed a lot of alcohol or consumed alcohol regularly (especially beer, red wine or vodka)?
  • Used anti-inflammatory steroids (such as prednisone, hydrocortisone, Advair, Flonase, etc.)?
  • Lived in a moldy house?
  • Craved or consistently eaten excess chocolate, bread, sweets, nuts or peanuts, apples, grapes, bananas, aged cheese, yogurt or other dairies, vinegar, pickles, ketchup or kombucha?
  • Consumed large amounts of milk when growing up?
  • Had direct exposure to pesticides, as from farm fields?
  • Used hormonal birth control?
  • Suffered from any of the conditions listed above?

If you checked any of the boxes above, you may have a Candida problem.

Why Do Some Doctors Not Know About Candida?

There is no reliable lab test

Because yeast gradually invades organs and attaches as a parasite to the outside of cells without killing them (unlike other microbes which invade cells, cause tissue destruction, form abscesses and/or are abundant in the blood), typical lab tests looking for cultures, metabolites, antibodies or signs of infection cannot accurately measure Candida overgrowth levels in the body.

Candida develops slowly

The symptoms of Candida take years to develop, so its causes and effects are not always obvious.

Symptoms seem unrelated

Candida affects multiple organ systems, which can make its symptoms seem like a group of unrelated problems.

How is Candida Treated?

Among microbial organisms, Candida is resilient and the infection is entrenched.  Therefore, the treatment program must be carefully chosen and very complete in order to work.  In our clinical experience at our addiction and brain healing services clinic, we have found consistently that Candida treatment requires the following elements:

  1. Plant-derived supplements that contain the natural fungus-killing properties of plants. Plants must have antifungal protection within themselves in order to survive in the soil, which is inherently moldy.
  2. A correct diet that not only avoids sweets but even more importantly avoids fermented and aged foods, as these feed yeast even more than sweets do. Fortunately with effective Candida treatment, one loses one’s cravings for sweets and fermented foods rather quickly.
  3. Probiotics that replace the dying yeast with its competitor, bacterial flora.
  4. Glutamine with other supportive supplements to assist the repair of the inflamed intestinal wall.

Patients with more advanced Candida overgrowth to the point of irritable bowel syndrome or related disorders will also require 2-4 weeks of fluconazole, nystatin and a supportive herbal blend initially to more directly disinfect the inflamed lining of the bowel.

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